Nuru ya Tumaini
(Lights of Hope)
AIC Litein Hospital, a vibrant community hospital affiliated with the Africa Inland Church in Kenya, seeks to change the way mental health care is offered to patients with comprehensive plans for both outpatient and inpatient services in an expanded hospital setting. An international Mental Health Initiative Advisory Team, under the combined leadership of Dr. Elijah K. Terer (Kenya) and Dr. Andrew A. White (USA), foresee building a hospital to provide inpatient psychiatric care as an integral part of the existing clinical and educational services of AIC Litein Hospital. Plans are underway for erecting a 100-bed facility which will ultimately serve as a regional referral center—the first of its kind among faith-based hospitals in Kenya. Envisioned as a necessary extension of the recently expanded outpatient mental health clinic at AIC Litein, this expanded project has been named:
Nuru ya Tumaini Lights of Hope Mental Health Centre AIC Litein Hospital, Litein, KENYA nder the visionary leadership of Dr. Terer, CEO for the hospital, and Dr. White, the underserved needs of patients with mental illness will be addressed more consistently in the Nuru ya Tumaini~Lights of Hope Mental Health Centre, serving outpatients daily as of March, 2022. As more patients learn that there is help for their struggles and hope for their improved health, the need for comprehensive mental health services–particularly inpatient services–must be met. Otherwise, traveling three hours to the closest government hospital is the next available option for those who need inpatient psychiatric care. Thus, there is an urgent need for Nuru ya Tumaini-Lights of Hope Mental Health Centre to offer both outpatient and inpatient care.
WHERE DOES NURU YA TUMAINI FIT IN KENYA’S COUNTRYWIDE MENTAL HEALTH STRATEGY? In May, 2021, Kenya hosted a meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO), along with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and international leaders, to explore the crisis in mental health care needs. The following assessment was offered: “A staggering 1 out of 4 persons who seek healthcare in Kenya have a mental health condition. Depression is common and there are increasing rates of substance and alcohol use disorders.” The Ministry of Health of Kenya, in its Kenya Mental Health Action Plan, (2021-2025) has noted: “Public and private partnerships will be an essential ingredient in the successful implementation of this action plan.” |